How Tough Dust Can Affect Your Dust Collection System
Cyclonic dust collection can reduce fabric filter baghouse maintenance costs, reduce downtime
Tough dust can cause operational and maintenance issues in your dust collection system, such as:
- frequent filter replacement,
- housing erosion,
- component erosion,
- plugged filters,
- and more.
Watch this video from the Dust Efficiency Clinic and learn how to deal with all these tough dust issues. As always the Dust Efficiency Clinic offers its ‘outside the box’ thinking and solutions to your tough dust problems.
Aerodyne SplitStream™ Counter Cyclonic Dust Collector
The SplitStream also has the ability to increase/decrease process temperature while collecting dust. The unique counter cyclonic design element of the SplitStream™ Dust Collector ensures that a minimal amount of particulate comes in contact with the interior walls. This eliminates excessive wear and enables abrasive particulate collection.
The cyclone can be configured vertically or horizontally, providing easy installation in existing facilities or new or space-saving locations.
Pre-filter – Ground-Plate (GPC) Cyclone Dust Collector
The Aerodyne GPC Cyclone Dust Collector represents an improvement over conventional high-efficiency cyclones. Unlike conventional cyclones, the GPC Dust Collector does not require a long, tapered body for effective dust separation. The unique design provides a high-efficiency, compact unit that is available in horizontal or vertical configurations. This compact cyclone dust collector is ideal for plants and workshops with limited floor space or limited overhead clearance.
See additional Dust Collector videos.