Cyclone Applications
- Replacing filters too often?
- Require local dust collection?
- Want to recycle or re-use material before contamination in the filter?
- Require a cyclone but not enough room to install?
- Require easy to clean cyclone?
- High humidity or water content plugging filters?
- Abrasive dust requires cooling during dust collection?
- Explosive applications?
- Tough dust? (Abrasive, sticky, hygroscopic, fibrous)
- Need to heat up or cool down during collection?
- Any grinder’s dust?
Valve Applications
- Rotary valve repairs too expensive due to abrasive dust?
- Want to decrease electrical usage?
- Too much air leaking into/ or from dust collector hopper?
- Large dust/material jamming and/or wearing out airlock?
- Need to continue operating dust collector during airlock maintenance?
- Control hopper draining
- Prevent bridging of material in a hopper
For more information on your specific application, please contact us for further deals and referrals.